
Grief: Life's Best Teacher

Sep 24, 2024

Ep. 030 with Maureen Cleverly

Hello, dear friends. Today, I have the privilege of sharing a heartfelt conversation with Maureen Montague, a compassionate chaplain whose journey through grief has profoundly shaped her life and work. As we sat down together, I could feel the warmth and wisdom that Maureen exudes, and I knew her insights would resonate with all of you navigating the complexities of loss.


A Journey Toward Chaplaincy

I started our conversation by asking Maureen about her background and what led her to become a chaplain. She shared that she grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where she learned the importance of community and compassion. After earning a degree in history, she dedicated herself to being a full-time mom and later ventured into the nonprofit sector. However, there was always a gentle nudge in her heart—a calling toward chaplaincy that she couldn’t ignore.

In 2020, amidst the chaos of the pandemic, Maureen received an email about a master’s program at Gonzaga University. She described it as a divine nudge that confirmed her path. “I felt this was the moment I had been waiting for,” she said, her eyes sparkling with the memory. “It was time to embrace my calling.”


The Power of Presence

As Maureen dove into her Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at a local hospital, she encountered the harsh realities of the pandemic. I could hear the emotion in her voice as she recounted her experiences providing comfort to families facing grief. “There was a profound need for compassionate care,” she reflected. “I learned that love, faith, and presence could transcend the pain of loss.”

I was struck by her insight into spiritual care. “It’s not just about the physical healing; it’s about addressing the whole person—body, mind, and spirit,” she explained. This holistic approach is what makes chaplaincy so vital, especially during times of crisis.


Personal Grief: A Transformative Experience

Our conversation turned to Maureen’s personal journey with grief, particularly the passing of her father. I could sense the weight of her emotions as she shared how their relationship had been complex, marked by years of estrangement. When she learned of his terminal illness, she felt a mixture of sadness and a longing for reconciliation.

“I wanted to confront my feelings and embrace this opportunity for healing,” she said, her voice steady yet soft. With the support of friends, she visited him in the hospital. “I had hoped for a dramatic reconciliation, but instead, it was a quiet, profound moment of connection. I just sat with him, and we didn’t need to say much.”

This simplicity struck me. Sometimes, love is found not in grand gestures but in the quiet moments of presence and understanding. Maureen’s experience with her father taught her that even in loss, there can be healing.


Grief as a Teacher

Maureen shared a beautiful quote from Pastor Seawell: “Grief turns out to be our best teacher. It comes with loss and hangs around like a faithful dog until we learn what we need to know.” I loved this imagery, and I could see how it resonated with her.

“Grief has taught me resilience and compassion,” she explained. “It doesn’t have to confine us; it can liberate us to love more deeply and fearlessly.” Her perspective on grief as a teacher is something I believe we all can embrace, especially during challenging times.


Finding Peace Amidst Chaos

As a mother myself, I understood the weight of responsibility that often accompanies grief. I asked Maureen how she managed to care for others while processing her own emotions. “It’s essential to be gentle with ourselves,” she replied. “Allow time for healing and don’t rush into decisions immediately after a loss.”

Her words were a gentle reminder that self-compassion is crucial. It’s okay to take the time needed to grieve and heal, and it’s okay to seek help. “Your presence can be a lifeline for someone who is grieving,” she added.


The Beauty of New Beginnings

After her father’s passing, Maureen found herself reconnecting with her stepmother and siblings, which brought unexpected joy. “Loss creates space for something new and beautiful to emerge,” she said, reflecting on the idea that even in the darkest moments, there can be light.

She likened this experience to the story of Job, who faced immense suffering yet received new blessings afterward. “It’s a reminder that life can change, but the opportunity for growth and love remains,” she explained.


Conclusion: A Message of Hope

As we wrapped up our conversation, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for Maureen’s insights. Her journey as a chaplain and a mother serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. If you find yourself navigating grief, I encourage you to embrace the journey. Allow it to lead you toward healing and peace.

In our shared experiences of loss, may we find strength in each other and in our faith, fostering connections that remind us of the enduring power of love. Maureen’s story is a beautiful illustration of how grief can transform us and lead us to new beginnings.

Thank you for joining us today, and may you find comfort and hope in your own journeys.

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